Patrick Pfreundschuh


Hey there! I’m Patrick, a second year PhD Student at the Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich. My research interests include SLAM, Sensor Fusion and LiDAR Perception, with a strong focus on robust LiDAR Inertial Odometry in challenging environments.

Prior to my PhD studies, I worked as a robotics engineer for Team CERBERUS, that in September 2021 won the Darpa Subterranean (SubT) Challenge.

I graduated from ETH Zurich in 2020 with a MSc. in Robotics, Systems and Control. During my Bachelor studies in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich, I was software team lead in the VariLeg project, that successfully participated in the Cybathlon 2016 and interned at the mobile robotics company Magazino.

I’m also a member of the SightGuide project, which aims to develop solutions for visually impaired people for the new Vision Assistance Race at Cybathlon 2024.


  1. Informed, Constrained, Aligned: A Field Analysis on Degeneracy-aware Point Cloud Registration in the Wild
    Turcan Tuna, Julian Nubert, Patrick Pfreundschuh, Cesar Cadena, Shehryar Khattak, and Marco Hutter
  2. A robust baro-radar-inertial odometry m-estimator for multicopter navigation in cities and forests
    Rik Girod, Marco Hauswirth, Patrick Pfreundschuh, Mariano Biasio, and Roland Siegwart
    In IEEE Int. Conf. Multisensor Fusion Integration Intell. Syst., 2024
  3. TULIP: Transformer for Upsampling of LiDAR Point Clouds
    Bin Yang, Patrick Pfreundschuh, Roland Siegwart, Marco Hutter, Peyman Moghadam, and Vaishakh Patil
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2024
  4. COIN-LIO: Complementary Intensity-Augmented LiDAR Inertial Odometry
    Patrick Pfreundschuh, Helen Oleynikova, Cesar Cadena, Roland Siegwart, and Olov Andersson
    In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Jun 2024
  5. Dynablox: Real-Time Detection of Diverse Dynamic Objects in Complex Environments
    Lukas Schmid, Olov Andersson, Aurelio Sulser, Patrick Pfreundschuh, and Roland Siegwart
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Oct 2023
  6. Resilient Terrain Navigation with a 5 DOF Metal Detector Drone
    Patrick Pfreundschuh, Rik Bähnemann, Tim Kazik, Thomas Mantel, Roland Siegwart, and Olov Andersson
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2023
  7. Team CERBERUS Wins the DARPA Subterranean Challenge: Technical Overview and Lessons Learned
    Marco Tranzatto, Mihir Dharmadhikari, Lukas Bernreiter, Marco Camurri, Shehryar Khattak, Frank Mascarich, Patrick Pfreundschuh, David Wisth, Samuel Zimmermann, Mihir Kulkarni, Victor Reijgwart, Benoit Casseau, Timon Homberger, Paolo De Petris, Lionel Ott, Wayne Tubby, Gabriel Waibel, Huan Nguyen, Cesar Cadena, Russell Buchanan, Lorenz Wellhausen, Nikhil Khedekar, Olov Andersson, Lintong Zhang, Takahiro Miki, Tung Dang, Matias Mattamala, Markus Montenegro, Konrad Meyer, Xiangyu Wu, Adrien Briod, Mark Mueller, Maurice Fallon, Roland Siegwart, Marco Hutter, and Kostas Alexis
    May 2022
  8. Dynamic Object Aware LiDAR SLAM based on Automatic Generation of Training Data
    Patrick Pfreundschuh, Hubertus F.C. Hendrikx, Victor Reijgwart, Renaud Dube, Roland Siegwart, and Andrei Cramariuc
    In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2021
  9. MOZARD: Multi-Modal Localization for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Outdoor Environments
    Lukas Schaupp, Patrick Pfreundschuh, Mathias Bürki, Cesar Cadena, Roland Siegwart, and Juan Nieto
    In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), May 2020